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Publications & Books

The Mighty Heart

Effective Tools to Transform Conflict



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The Mighty Heart in Action invites you to learn from change-makers and heart experts who work on some of the most challenging conflicts around the world. They will enable you to change your own world by transforming discord that may be internal, or at family, company or even at national level. This lively work-book demonstrates how to grow your capacity to solve conflict by listening effectively, how to manage your inner critic,

how to beat the confusion and depression of the pandemic by discovering the sheer power of your heart in making wise decisions, and how to take a stand on issues you care about. These stories and skills will change your life, and the future of all our children.
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The Business Plan for Peace

Book and Seminars

The Business Plan for Peace shows how 25 tried and tested strategies for preventing war can be scaled up and extended over ten years to avoid violent conflict worldwide. Imagine a world where peaceful solutions are valued and invested in, rather than systems that contribute to violent conflict and war.

Businesses and investors can decide either to contribute to solutions that reduce violent conflict in the world, or continue to contribute to harm and violence. Business Plan for Peace is foundation for the growing movement of innovative investment in peacebuilding.
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Pioneering the Possible: Awakened Leadership for a World That Works
Most human beings worldwide are anxious about the future, afraid for their children, and dissatisfied by their lives, but have no idea what to do about it. This book is the first to address these anxieties head on by envisaging a future that could work for all, demonstrating with live examples how that future is already emerging, and profiling the people who are already living it.

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Power & Sex: A Book About Women (1996)
Can power be wielded with integrity and responsibility? How do we oppose domination and power without using force or escalating conflict? Author and former UNESCO consultant Scilla Elworthy, Ph.D., takes on these timely and important issues in her groundbreaking book. Dr. Elworthy calls upon men and women to replace their distorted notions of “male” power and domination with a new, inner power, developed through the body, mind, and spirit.

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Soul Power
Now is a pivotal time. There is an opportunity to engage the whole of humanity in an evolutionary advance, if only we can understand what’s happening and why. This book helps us do just that. Our brilliant technological culture inflicts intolerable stress on us because it grants no value to feelings and allows no time for relationship with the soul.
2009 – Co-authored with Anne Baring

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Everyone’s Guide to Achieving Change

Since 1982, Oxford Research Group has been building trust between policy-makers, academics, the military and civil society. This handbook is designed to introduce the reader to the dialogue approach to achieving political and social change. It is based on ORG’s 25 years’ experience of working through research and dialogue to progressively marginalise the role and legitimacy of nuclear weapons in world politics, and to develop realistic non-military alternatives to the prevailing security orthodoxy.
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Price: ÂŁ5.00 + ÂŁ2.50 P&P
2007 – The Oxford Research Group

Peace Begins With Me

This little book was written by Dr Scilla Elworthy for young people as an introduction to self reflection and peace building.

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Price: ÂŁ5.00 + ÂŁ2.50 P&P
2011 – Dr. Scilla Elworthy